Do you own a rental property?
We recognise that landlords have certain priorities for their tenanted properties.
If you want to keep the grounds of your rental property maintained in reasonable shape to keep your tenants happy, but without breaking your budget, we will mow at a frequency and standard to suit.
If your property has common lawns shared with other flats or units, such as a driveway strip, front verge or front yards, we can set up a lawnmowing schedule to meet your needs at a low price.
If you require more regular lawnmowing to keep the lawns looking immaculate at all times, we can offer you a great deal.
We also carry out one-off lawnmowing jobs if required.
Whatever your requirements are, talk to us today and we will do our best to accommodate them.
NOTE FOR PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS: Unfortunately I have a full mowing schedule at present and cannot take on any NEW customers. I apologize for any inconvenience.
to your guaranteed satisfaction.
Let us take care of your lawns so you can spend more time doing the things you love.
We invite you to look around our website, and contact us today for a free no obligation quote.
We mow lawns for a wide range of property types including:
- residential, commercial and non-profit premises
- owner-occupied properties
- tenanted properties
- body corporates and
- residential flats with shared land
All lawnmowing includes FREE lawn edging and FREE path sweeping to leave your property looking beautiful.
PLUS every time your lawns are mowed, we spend a few extra minutes for FREE pulling out or trimming weeds, or helping you with something that needs doing on your property. We call this our HELPFUL EXTRA.
All lawn mowing services are carried out personally by our owner operator